Shareware Evaluation License for Reels 6.0: This version of the Reels (the Software) is a Shareware Evaluation Copy. The Author (4Space) grants you a license for the evaluation of the Software to determine if it suits your needs. This means that you may try out the Software for 30 days to see if it suits your needs. If, at the end of this trial period, you do not wish to keep using the Software, you must delete all copies that you have. To continue use of the Software after 30 days, you must register a copy. The registration fee is $25.00 U.S. To register, use the file "order.txt" found in the distribution file. 4Space specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will 4Space incur any liability for damages, including but not limited to, loss of profit, data or use of the software, or special, incidental or consequential damages or other similar claims, even if 4Space has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages. This license shall be construed, interpreted, and governed by the laws of the State of South Carolina and any action hereunder shall be brought only in South Carolina. If any provision is found void, invalid, or unenforceable it will not affect the validity of the balance of this License and Limited Warranty which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute the Software for the evaluation use of others, as long as it is distributed without modification, complete with all files listed below. No fee, charge or other compensation may be requested with these exceptions: Operators of electronic bulletin board systems may make the Software available for downloading, so long as there is no specific charge for the download of the Software. Vendors of user-supported or shareware software may distribute the Software, so long as any duplication and handling fees do not exceed two (2) dollars, and notice is clearly given that such fees do not grant the evaluator a license to use the Software beyond the evaluation period. Use of this program signifies that you have read, understood, and agreed to the above terms.